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Cauliflower Power

Monday, 14 April 2014 02:08  by Charity B.

This nutty-flavored vegetable is full of nutrients like vitamin C, B vitamins and vitamin K, as well as powerful phytonutrients that give it beneficial antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Health in Color

Cauliflower comes in a variety of colors besides white. Try orange and green cauliflower for some heart-healthy, cell-protecting beta-carotene. Or maybe some purple cauliflower for memory-improving anthocyanins.

Protection from Breast Cancer

Cauliflower contains compounds called glucosinolates that preliminary research indicates may help lower harmful estrogens involved in breast cancer development. In 2005, a study was undertaken in which cauliflower juice was added to breast cancer cells; results found that the juice kept the cancer cells from growing.

Anti-inflammatory Benefits

Cauliflower contains both vitamin K as well as some omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients help prevent chronic inflammation that leads to conditions such as arthritis, chronic pain, and certain bowel conditions. This cruciferous vegetable also contains a glucosinolates called glucobrassicin. This phytonutrient can be readily converted into an anti-inflammatory compound that operates at the genetic level, thus preventing the initiation of inflammatory responses at a very early stage.

Cauliflower is not only packed full of nutrition, but also works great as a meat or grain substitute. Try cauliflower steaks with chimichurri for a gluten-free Vegan option.

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