The ocean has always been a calming place. There is something about the rhythm of the waves that suggests the heartbeat of the earth, soothing and constant. Visitors often gather shells and tokens to remember their walks across the sand and through the edge of the tide, one with their own thoughts. Pockets and hands full of shells, a visitor might sift through them absently and toss away the broken ones. If they were to take a closer look, one of those broken shells might represent their own life journey.
One of the causes of brokenness in the human spirit is grief, or bereavement. When we lose a loved one our world may fall apart around us like shattered window glass, with our hearts afraid to step out in any direction for fear of stepping on the pieces. Everyone’s journey through grief is different and requires different steps toward healing, but the journey will begin with self-awareness of the brokenness we experience due to our loss.
Left unaddressed, bereavement can tidal wave into depression, anxiety, and complicated grief, paralyzing us in our journey like a broken shell stuck in the sand. At Brookhaven Retreat, we offer dual diagnosis treatment in a caring environment to help women heal from their brokenness. Through a comprehensive range of available therapies, the healing journey through grief can begin.
The broken shell still has a beautiful side that can accommodate for the part that is missing. You can read more about the broken shell as Carol Hamblet Adams offers inspiration in her book, My Beautiful Broken Shell: Words of Hope to Refresh the Soul (Harvest House Publishers, 2002).