If you wish to communicate via e-mail, you may send an e-mail with the client's name in the subject line to . Our staff will print the e-mail and pass it through to our Treatment Team, who will then pass the email to the client the following morning.
You may call our main telephone number at 865-573-3656 or call toll-free at 877-817-3422 and ask to leave a message for the client. We will state that we cannot confirm or deny the presence of a client; however, we will post your message on a general message board where the client will be able to see and retrieve the message if she is present at Brookhaven Retreat.
You are welcome to send letters, packages, flowers, etc. to our mailing address, which is:
Brookhaven Retreat, LLC
1016 I.C. King Road
Seymour, TN 37865
Please make sure the client's name is clearly written as the recipient. We cannot accept any items that are breakable, such as glass, ceramic, terra cotta, and mirrors.
We hope this will assist you. Please feel free to call us if you need further clarification.